ScanX Scorecard Insights, is an enhanced reporting tool that offers users insight into the flags that are being triggered on Scorecards over time. Reporting on flags that have triggered historically can help ScanX admins and managers of Underwriting and Risk departments identify patterns and trends from their Scorecards to make adjustments to their risk profiles and increase auto-decisions.
Insights consists of two tabs - Summary and Details. Summary gives a high level view of the number of flags being triggered per integration and rule. Details is where the meat of the feature is and shows each Scorecard and the specific flags triggered for it. Both pages can be filtered by a few different criteria such as Scorecard Type and Underwriter.
To access Scorecard Insights, go to the Insights tab in the top menu when you log into your ScanX site.
To navigate between the Summary and Details pages, click on the page selection toggle at the top of the page for the one you want to navigate to.
Video Walkthrough
The Insights Summary page consists of several elements to provide high level reporting on your Scorecard.
The first are the 5 summary cards at the top of the page. There are quick stats on the total number of flags, the number of scorecards within 3 different strata based on the number of flags, and an Auto Approval calculation. These cards are not configurable and are not quick filters; they are static metrics for quick reference.
Note that Auto Approvals are calculated in the following way. Auto approval rate = Auto approval total / total scorecards ; total scorecards does not include Pending or Cancelled.
Next, below the summary cards, are the 4 filters that will update the results of the data in the table below.
- Created Date: Returns Scorecard data from the period selected in the filter, the default selection is the last 30 days. Preset options include All Time and Last 7, 30 and 90 days or you can set a custom date range. The period selected is used for the comparison metrics. For example, Last 30 Days will display Scorecard data for the last 30 days and compare to the prior 30-day period.
- Scorecard Type: Multi-select filter that allows you to return data for specific scorecards types (transactions). This can allow you to show only ScanX scorecards and exclude MonitorX Scorecards for example.
- Underwriter: Filters Scorecard data based on the Underwriter who was assigned to Scorecards. This can help you identify if certain underwriters have certain tendencies when resolving flags to determine if they align with your best practices. You can select multiple underwriters at one time with this filter as well.
- Access Group: If you are using Access Groups, you can segment your data based on the group(s).
In the Summary table you have a few pieces of data. The first column shows the rule integrations used by your Scorecards. When expanded, they will show the individual rules associated with that integration. You can also expand all integration sections to reveal (or hide) all scoring rules using the Expand/Collapse All buttons at the top of the page.
The 2nd column is the total count of flags for that integration or rule during the period selected in the Created Date filter.
% of Scorecards with Flag Triggered divides the number of Scorecards in the selected period where the flag triggered by the total number of Scorecards that have that integration/rule enabled. Total Scorecards in this scenario includes all statuses, including Pending and Cancelled.
Total Flags Triggered (previous period) shows the total count, like the 2nd column, but for the prior period. Prior period is the same duration of time as you have selected in the Created Date filter that led up to the current period. For example, if Last 30 Days is selected, it would be the 30-day period prior (days 31-60 from the current date).
The final column for change % calculates the change between the current period and the prior period (columns 2 and 4). This can be used to help track if changes you make to your scorecards have the intended effect.
At the top of the Insights Details page, there is the same navigation and utility functionality as the Summary page for filtering, expand/collapse all integration sections and navigation between Summary and Details.
The first section (grouping of columns) of the Details page is the ScanX Details. This is high-level information about the scorecard itself.
- Scorecard: ID of the Scorecard transaction, hyperlinked to open the Scorecard in a new tab when clicked.
- Status: Auto-Approved/Declined, Approved or Declined. Pending and Cancelled do not show,
- Score: Overall Scorecard score.
- MCC: The MCC of the merchant being underwritten.
- Overall Flags: Total number of scoring rule flags triggered on the scorecard across all integrations.
Following the ScanX Details section are the scoring rule integrations. Scoring rules are grouped by the provider/integration. By default, all integration sections will collapsed. You can click the individual headers to expand the rule set, or click Expand All for all rules to display. You can do the same for Collapsing sections.
Each column in the integration sections is a rule. The data shown in the table for each column will depend on the rule. For example, for volume rules it will show the merchant’s volume amount that was flagged, but GIACT Bank Account Verification shows the code that is returned when there is a flag. Only data that triggered a flag is shown in Scorecard Insights.
Notes about the data in the table:
- If a rule was not present on the Scorecard, the cell will be gray will lines going through it.
- If the rule was run for multiple entities, the flagging value will be separated by a semicolon. For example if I have two owners and both their credit scores trigger a flag, it will be shown in the same cell as “560; 599”.
- Other rules that have more than one datapoint for the output will separate the values with a comma. For example, multiple hits on keyword search will be displayed as “collections, cbd, vape”