AEX Support is available for any technical issues that you encounter. There are 3 options to log a Support ticket;
Email Agreement Express support at support@agreementexpress.com
Agreement Express Support Web Portal URL: https://support.agreementexpress.com/home
Agreement Express Support Team Toll Free Number: 1.877.247.3397 then press 1
When submitting an incident ticket, you should supply as much of the following information as possible including;
• AEX/Transaction ID. This is the 7-digit number typically found in the first column of the Workspace.
• Environment (i.e. Production or UAT/Staging)
• Description of incident, including number of occurrences, screen shots or error messages
• Username of the user who reproduced the issue in the screenshot
• Exact steps to reproduce the problem
• Browser name and version
For more information on the ticketing workflow, please check out https://support.agreementexpress.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058574371-The-AEX-Support-Ticketing-Workflow
It is common to need changes now that “real world” transactions are being processed using AEX. Or perhaps you have changing business needs.
Common Change Requests
Update an outdated form
Add a new form
Add a new scorecard
Add a new workflow
Add an integration
Develop a New Feature that is not on the roadmap
It is important to note the difference between a Support ticket and a Change Request. As mentioned above, a Support ticket typically relates to a technical issue wherein a Change Request relates to;
Process for Change Requests
If a change is needed please reach out to your CSM. Depending on the complexity of the change requested, your CSM may schedule a scoping call to gather all of the requirements. Once all of the requirements have been gathered;
A quote request is submitted to the Delivery or Product team to analyze the amount of effort required to make the change
Once the quote is completed, your CSM will present the hours and costs to you
If you decide to move forward with the change, your CSM will send a Change Request form for signature
Once the form is signed, a project is created and placed into the Delivery and/or Development queue
What is the turn-around time? Typically a change request can take 3-4 weeks to deliver and maybe more depending on the complexity