Deployment to Production
- 24.50 & 24.51 January 9th 2025 and will be available to users on January 10th 2025
Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) if you have any questions about this release.
Decision Report - Negative File Output
Problem: The ScanX Decision Report does not display if there was a match to the ScanX Negative File scoring rule to provide a full picture of the checks that were run during underwriting.
Solution: ScanX Negative File has been added to the Decision Report as its own section that can be configured in the Decision Report settings.
Automatically Available? No, you will need to enable Negative File on each of your Scorecard's Decision Report settings and it will be displayed on reports generated going forward.
Decision Report Display Adjustments
Problem: In most cases when actual data is displayed in the Decision Report Summary section, the data is wrapped onto multiple lines due to there being 2 columns.
Solution: The summary section has been reduced a single column with each value being represented on it's own row. By having dedicated rows for each piece of data, it prevents data wrapping to make it easier to process when reviewing for the user.
Automatically Available? Yes, on new Decision Reports going forward.
Add US V.I. and Puerto Rico to LP State/Province Widget
Problem: US territories are not available for selection in the Landing Page's State/Province Widget.
Solution: We have added US territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the US Virgin Islands to the State/Province widget on Landing Pages.
Automatically Available? Yes.
Scorecard Insights UI Adjustments
Problem: When viewing Scorecard Insights, I'm taken straight to the detailed view when I want to start with the higher level summary information.
Solution: Scorecard Insights now defaults to the Summary view to give high level information first. Users can then switch to Details for an in depth look at the flags being triggered.
Automatically Available? Yes.
Scorecard Insights - Comply Advantage - Business & Comply Advantage - Individual
Problem: The Comply Advantage - Individual & Business scoring rules are not displayed in Scorecard Insights which results in incomplete flag data in the reporting.
Solution: Comply Advantage - Individual & Business rule has been added as a column in Scorecard Insights. Comply Advantage data is shown in the Summary now, too.
Automatically Available? For future Scorecards, yes. If you need historical data populated, please reach out to ScanX Support.
TransUnion Consumer Alert Scoring Rule
Problem: Scorecards don't display TransUnion Consumer Alerts, underwriters have to open up the TransUnion report and search for them.
Solution: New TransUnion scoring rule has been added called TransUnion Consumer Alert to display all alerts associated with owners and control person. The Alert Type and message are displayed on the Scorecard. If there are alerts, a flag will be triggered for review.
Automatically Available? No, rule will need to be added to all desired Scorecards.