Agreement Express Release Notes
Release 21.15
The 21.15 Release is scheduled for deployment on November 17th, 2021. Updates will be available in your production environment on November 18th, 2021 unless otherwise noted. Included in this release will be net-new features in addition to enhancements to current features you may already be familiar with. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) should you have any questions about features in this release and their impact on you or your end clients!
Hide Change Signer option for ScanX transactions in MV2 Workspace
Description: The Change Signer feature in Workspace should not be available on Scorecard transactions. Performing change signer on the Scorecard impacts the ability of Underwriters to decision a Scorecard application. So, the Change Signer function has been removed from Scorecard transactions visible in Workspace.
New Signing Viewer - Duplicated Sticky Notes
Description: We’ve fixed an issue where in the new Signing Viewer sticky notes appear duplicated.
The below will no longer occur:
Date Field Calendar Widget - Clear Button Not Initially Loading
Description: An issue has been resolved where the clear button was not always loading properly on the calendar of a date field. This fix ensures that the clear button will appear all the time.