This document outlines the two-factor authentication (2FA) process for Publishers and Company Administrators logging into Agreement Express. Please note that 2FA is not turned on by default.
Upon logging into AEX with a valid username and password, a user is presented with a two-factor authentication screen offering three options.
- Get Verification Code Via Email: a validation code will be emailed to the address you are using to log in.
- Get Verification Code Via Phone: a validation code will be texted to the phone number you have previously set up with Agreement Express
- Submit Existing Code: supply a code you may already have received from either of the two preceding methods.
Optional security add-on
In addition to the methods described above, a company can also be set to use a security cookie. The cookie can live for one day, to a maximum of 30 days. The first time a user logs in they will require a verification code. Thereafter, and for the duration of the cookie’s life, the cookie will allow login without additional verification.
If you’re interested in turning on two-factor authentication, please contact