Some organizations require the ability to support different sales channels or teams in their AEX Company.
Access Control allows you to create Groups within your company for the purpose of supporting your sales teams, partners, branches, offices, and more! When you enable Access Control in your company, all created agreements will be associated with a specific Group. Access Control Groups (ACGs) allow you to limit which members of your organization are able to view agreements related to each channel, who can make ScanX Risk Underwriting decisions, and who is able to manage the members of the groups. You will also be able to filter reporting to gain increased visibility of your Groups and their operations activities.
Table of Contents
- Problem
- Solution
- Table of Contents
- Visual Overview
- Should I enable Access Control in my AEX Company?
- What Roles are available?
- How do I manage my Access Control Groups?
- How do I assign an Access Group to an existing agreement?
- How do Group Members select their Access Group when launching new agreements?
- How do I manage the agreement types that Group Members have access to launch?
- What happens if I use the Publishing API and I want to enable Access Control?
- How do I enable Access Control in my company?
Visual Overview
Should I enable Access Control in my AEX Company?
Access Control is recommended for all companies that want the ability to provide a unique experience for specific Groups. You can control which agreement types are visible to each Group, get reporting data on each Group, and even enable Managers for each Group who are able to add/remove group members and assign member roles.
What Roles are available?
There are three primary roles within an Access Control Group:
Publisher (Member) - Members are able to create agreements and assign them to a specific Access Group. Publisher Group Members can only see items they create or items that are shared with them using sharing features such as workgroups.
Underwriter - Group Underwriters are able to View ScanX risk scorecards and make risk decisions for items related to a specific group. You can still add Underwriters to your Company Underwriting team which allows them to view and decision scorecards for all groups.
Manager - Group Managers are able to view all agreements and scorecards linked to their group(s). They can also add/remove company users to their groups and change the role(s) of their group members.
Review - If you have enabled ScanX Second Review, these users will be able to complete Review on Scorecards for their respective access groups.
The existing user role ‘Company Administrator’ will still be able to see all agreements associated with all of your Groups, and also manage the members/roles of each Group. Only Company Administrators are able to create new Groups.
How do I manage my Access Control Groups?
To manage your Access Control Groups, you must be a Company Administrator. In the Administration menu, select the ‘Access Control Manager’.
How do I assign an Access Group to an existing agreement?
When Access Control is enabled in your company, click the checkbox on an agreement in any status to show the Action Bar and click the Edit Access Group button.
Using the checkboxes, select the Access Groups to assign and click Update.
The Access Control Group column in the workspace is automatically updated to reflect changes in assignment.
How do Group Members select their Access Group when launching new agreements?
When Access Control is enabled in your company, Group Members will see an option in the Launcher to select a Group before they create a new agreement. If a Publisher belongs to more than one Group, they will have to make a selection from the dropdown menu.
Publishers must belong to at least one Group to launch an Agreement.
How do I manage the agreement types that Group Members have access to launch?
Within the Access Control Manager, click the Agreement Folders tab to select which folders each Group should have access to in the Launcher.
Check out this how-to guide for more information on creating folders.
How-to: Create & Manage Folders (Company Administrators ONLY)
What happens if I use the Publishing API and I want to enable Access Control?
If you enable Access Control, you have the option to send a new parameter accessControlGroupIds in your publishing request to assign your agreements to an Access Control Group.
If you enable Access Control and do not update your calls to send this parameter in an API request, you will not receive an error. Existing calls will work and simply launch transactions without an Access Control Group assigned.
The accessControlGroupIds can be retrieved in the Access Control Manager UI by selecting an existing Access Group:
The Access Control ID or Group ID is auto-created each time a new Access Control Group is created.
Here is a sample post with the new parameter highlighted.
Sample: "accessControlGroupIds": [28]
"modelId": 28,
"accessControlGroupIds": [28],
"fieldValueMap": {
"Business_DBA":"Space Goat Productions",
"Business_LegalName":"Space Goat Productions",
"Business_DBAPhone":"(602) 518-4357",
"Business_ProductServiceDescription":"Gambling Loan Credit",
"Business_LocationAddress1":"1007 N Forest St Ste A",
"Business_TypeOfOwnership":"Sole Proprietorship"
How do I enable Access Control in my company?
Please submit a support ticket to or consult your CSM to have this feature turned on!
Two optional configurations are available for Access Control Groups, be sure to review and discuss these options with your CSM to determine the best fit for your organization.
Unrestricted Publishing - By default, a Publisher must belong to an Access Control Group to publish an agreement. Enabling Unrestricted Publishing will override the default behaviour and allow Publishers to publish without an Access Control Group assigned. Publishers & Company Admins can still assign/unassign Access Control groups on a published transaction.
Restrict Manager Admin Capabilities - By default, an Access Control Group Manager has access to administer Access Control Groups, modify users, and add new users. Enabling this restriction will reduce a Manager’s capability to admin capabilities for their own Access Control Groups without the ability to add new users or edit other Access Control Groups.