Action Center provides Publishers and Administrators with the following:
Log of API submissions - Success and Failures
Ability to re-submit any failed API calls
Ability to sort Transactions by API Call
Group By Case vs Transaction View
When accessing Action Center the default card view in Workspace will be your default card view in Action Center. You can toggle to a different view using the Group by case toggle. In Action Center, group by case and transaction view each provide different view and filter options.
I. Transaction View
Transaction view will display all transactions in Action Center separately. When here, you can filter by transaction type or by the API process.
To filter by transaction type:
1. Click in the transaction type filter and select from one of the listed transaction types or start to type the transaction name to search for a specific transaction.
2. Once a transaction type is selected only transactions of that type will display. You can filter by more than one transaction type by selecting multiple transaction types in the filter.
To filter by API process:
1. Click in the process filter and select from one of the listed processes or start to type the process name to search for a specific process.
2. Once a process is selected only transactions that are set up with that API process will display. You can filter by more than one API process by selecting multiple processes in the filter.
II. Group By Case
Group by case view will show all transactions that are part of a single case grouped together. When using the group by case view you can search and filter on the case name to display specific cases.
To filter by case Name:
1. Click the case name filter and select from one of the listed cases or start to type the case name to search for a specific case.
2. Once a case name is selected only cases with that name will display. You can filter by more than one case name by selecting multiple case names in the filter.
3. Group by case view allows you to submit all API calls for all transactions within a case at one time.
Log in Action Center - Automatic Submission
What is Log in Action Center?
The Log in Action Center function provides users with visibility into API submissions without requiring any manual interaction. All API calls enabled to Log in Action Center will appear in the completed tab unless there is an error. If there is an error they will appear in the error tab.
What are use cases for log in Action Center?
Log of automatic API submissions from a Scorecard that were successful
Log of automatic API submissions from a scorecard that had an error, with the ability to re-submit error calls.
Log of automatic submissions of account opening documents to a backend system or Custodian that were successful.
Log of automatic submissions of account opening documents to a backend system or Custodian that had an error, with the ability to re-submit error calls.
How do I use log in Action Center?
When using the log in Action Center function, no user action is required unless there is an error in an API submission. Typically all API submissions will appear in the completed tab of Action Center, if there is an error with an API submission the transaction or case will appear in the error tab.
Viewing all Submissions
The All filter will display all transactions or cases that have been logged in Action Center. This includes error submissions and completed submissions.
Viewing Completed Submissions
The Completed filter will display all transactions or cases where all API calls have been successful.
Viewing Errors and Resubmitting Error Submissions
The Errors filter will display all transactions or cases where one or more API calls have failed.
Click on the Transaction card to expand the card and show the API calls associated with that Transaction.
You can further expand the card to display the error report summary for that API call. You can download the error report for an API call by clicking the download button on the right side of the expanded card.
Re-submit a failed API submission by checking the box beside that API task and clicking the send button. You can select multiple transactions or cases to re-submit at once by selecting multiple or using the select all checkbox in the top left corner.
Once all API calls are successfully submitted the transactions will appear in the Completed tab of Action Center.