Scenario: An Underwriter, Publisher, or Company Administrator wants to filter data by a field not listed as a column header.
Solution: Ask your Company Administrator to add a “Custom Field” to the workspace in order to filter by this field. Direct them to this document if they do not know how to perform this function already.
Company Administrators ONLY: How To Add Fields to your Agreement View
Step 1: Retrieve the field name that you would like added.
a. Navigate to Administration -> Scorecards to get the field name that you wish to add as a column header
b. Click on the template under a specific scoreard you wish to review
c. Retrieve the field name by selecting the field that you intend to add.
Step 2. Update Grid Manager
a. Navigate to Administration > Grid Manager > Agreement View
Note: Ensure you fill out the columns listed below & set fields with Drop-Downs as below:
Category: You can name this as you wish
Column Header: You can name this as you wish
Field: Set as “Custom Field” in the drop-down
Custom Field: “Input the field name exactly as you see it from the spreadsheet provided by AEX”
Raw Type: Input “String”
Search Field Type: Input “Field”
b. Once the information has been added to the columns, hit Save.
Step 3. Refresh Workspace
The new column will likely be on the far right of the Workspace. You can customize the columns and Workspace by following these instructions How-to: Customize your Workspace (Create & Manage Views)