Defining the MC MATCH checks
Mastercard MATCH LOOKUP (Scoring Rule)
Identify if another acquirer has terminated a merchant in the past and the reason for said termination, to help with onboarding or termination decisions. Individuals and Businesses are added to the MATCH list for violating card brand requirements or other illicit activities.
MATCH is mandated for all Mastercard acquirers.
MATCH INQUIRY (Scoring Rule)
MATCH returns a list of historical inquiries for specific merchant businesses. For example, John’s Flower Shop has applied for payment processing twice in the last five years - both times declined. Knowing that other acquirers have searched for the same Business or Owner(s) is critical information that can help your risk team. This rule allows you to trigger a flag based on the number of inquiries returned that meet your qualifying criteria (configurable).
Interpreting the scorecard?
Decline Groups (default settings): If Business Tax ID, Individual Tax ID, Business Legal Name, or Business DBA (indicators) has an exact match, the scorecard will:
Recommend a decline (red flag on scorecard + recommended decline)
Indicate the # of MATCH Records meeting the ‘Decline Group’ criteria (exact hit on the fields listed above). View the PDF Report for more information.
Review Groups (default settings): If secondary indicators (ie Business Address, Phone, Owner First Name, Owner Tax ID Partial Match) has a match or combination of matches, the scorecard will:
Recommend a review
Indicate the # of MATCH Records meeting the ‘Review Group’ Criteria (exact/partial hits on a number of fields verified by MATCH)
Total number of Matches or Inquiries: total number of combined matches between decline and review groups.
How flags are generated?
Users have control over how these flags are triggered based on the threshold value that is set.
The overall threshold to generate a Match lookup or Inquiry flag is> 99
All Decline Group indicators have a 100 value each by default.
Review Groups indicators have individual values ranging from 25-50.
Example 1)
Business Tax ID: 100
Total: 100
Decline Flag generated- Decline Group, 1
Example 2)
Business Address: 50
Phone: 25
Total: 75
No flag generated- Review Group, 0
Example 3)
Business Address: 50
Principal Name: 50
Phone: 25
Total: 125
Flag generated- Review Group, 3