Along with the fresh new look, we have also reorganized the most-used tools to make navigating the editor easier and more intuitive for you.
We also introduced new security settings to limit scorecard editing access. If you are a returning ScanX Editor, you will continue to have access to edit your scorecards. However, if you are a first-time user of the ScanX editor, you may need to request editor permissions from your administrator as some editor features may be disabled.
New Tools Menu
This is your new Tools menu, where you can more easily find and access the features you need the most. Here’s what you can do in each page
Scorecard Pages:
View and modify your scorecard pages. You can add new scorecard pages, rename and reorder your existing pages, and even delete a page you no longer need.
Note: If you delete a page that has scoring rules, those risk rules will also be deleted from your Scorecard.
Scoring Rules & Weights:
There’s so much you can do in this space to make your scorecards work for you. This includes:
Adjusting Page Weights – Modify the weights of each page in your template. Learn more here.
Updating Rule Weights – Adjust the weights of each scoring rule in your template to value some scoring rules over others. Learn more here.
Configuring Rules – Configure the settings of your individual scoring rules. Learn more about the different configurations setting types, how to set each, as well as best practices here.
Modifying Reason Codes – Allow your Risk Analysts and Underwriters to offer further context regarding their Scorecard decisions by using Reason Code. Learn more here.
Enabling Second Review – Setup a second-level review step, after underwriting, for your approved or declined Scorecards. Learn more here.
Credential Manager:
Review and modify credentials for any third party services and integrations that are used in certain rules in your scorecard.
Note: Rules with disabled integrations or unavailable credentials will not run or impact your scoring results.
Hidden Fields:
Configure hidden fields Scorecard to store data for integrations, or other data fields that you require for reporting but don’t wish to display on the Scorecard template.
Monitoring Defaults:
Enable scheduling monitoring events by default from this page. Learn more about performing ongoing monitoring through ScanX here.
Reorganized Rules Table
We’ve shifted around a few elements in the rules to better improve your overall experience. Here’s an overview:
Page Name:
This is your page name and can hint to what data that page offers.
Page Weight:
Review the weight of the Scorecard page.
Reorder Rules:
Move and reorder your rules the way you would like them to be shown on the ScanX viewer.
Rule Name:
The name of the rule on your template.
Entity Name:
This indicates which entity the rule was added for.
Rule Tooltip:
Hover on this icon to read the description of the rule and learn more about what that specific scoring rule entails.
Rule Weight:
Adjust weights for your individual scoring rules.
Delete Rule:
Click the trashcan icon to delete a rule from your template. Note that all configurations for that rule will also be deleted.
Expand/Collapse Rule:
You can expand your rule to view more details, including any input fields.
Total Rule Weight:
The sum of all your scoring rule weights. Note that this weight total is not the same as your Page Weight. All scoring rules within a page must sum to the total weight of 100.
Add Rule (When Hovering):
Hover your mouse over the existing rules and click the ‘+’ to add a new scoring rule to your template in that specified place.