Scenario: There are specific transactions you require other team members to review, edit, or have visibility on.
I. The below video will show you how to create workgroups and assign transactions to workgroups:
II. The below will show you how to create workgroups and assign transactions to workgroups:
Workgroups are a way to enable a group of users to have visibility over all transactions that are shared with that workgroup. This also works for transactions added to the workgroup that are still in Draft status.
Step 1: To create a workgroup, expand the Workgroups section on the left side and click “Create New”:
Step 2: Name it and hit Save:
Step 3: You will be prompted with a panel where you can rename it, assign members, and remove members:
This is not a one-time setup, you can edit this workgroup at a later point by clicking the cogwheel on it:
Step 4: Once it’s set up, you can start adding transactions to it. Go locate any transaction you want, hover over the status icon and click on “Assign to Work Group:
Step 5: Select the group(s) you wish to share it with and hit Assign:
Now when you go to the workgroup, you’ll be able to see that transaction listed in it, and so can all members of the workgroup: